




A Special Publication Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Seminari Theoloji Malaysia


The idea for this book was birthed when the faculty members of Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM) contemplated a special publication celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the seminary. It was quickly decided that we should put together our sermons on Psalms preached at the chapel based on Lectionary Readings.


Psalms are often neglected in the teaching and preaching of the Malaysian Church. Yet Psalms offer rich reflections on our journey of faith. Drawing from personal experience, the psalmists express a whole range of emotions, from joy to lament, from praise to weeping, and from exultation to sorrow. Because of this, Psalms help us to pray and relate to God more honestly and intimately. They also express clearly who God is, what he is like, and what he has done.


May you be encouraged in your Christian walk and moved to praise our great God as you read and reflect on the Psalms, just as we did on first hearing them.



Price: RM 40.00

作者: Lim Kar Yong, Peter H W Lau and Elaine Goh Wei Fun

出版: Seminari Theoloji Malaysia & An imprint of Armour Publishing